Monday, March 16, 2009

Movie Reviews #2 - Watchmen

So last Sunday, my pals and I were at City Square to catch the afternoon screening of one of my list of anticipated movies...Watchmen....

Based on the critically-acclaimed graphic novels by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons, I find Watchmen a spectacular epic-long blockbuster. Having read the graphic novel itself, I was not disappointed by its cinematic interpretation.

Despite its political themes and almost 3-hour long runtime, I still enjoyed the elements that make the movie good.

First, the action. In the comic the fight scenes were merely punch-kick-moan...In this one, they really improved the action adding some slow-motion effects ala 300......

Besides that, I was also impressed by the characters such as Rorscach, Ozymandias and The Comedian who were played perfectly by their respective actors. These characters were also known as the de facto characters. Their actions will leave us questioning if they are doing the right thing or the wrong thing. That's what made me like these characters.

In conclusion, Watchmen is a must-watch and please stay away from movies like Dragonball Evolution or Street Fighter: The Legend of Chun-Li which are a total SUCK!


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